Our services
Qi Consulting offers a unique blend of management and technical expertise and proven understanding of public service issubusiness and technical specialisms.
The main areas where Qi's consultants are deployed are in:
Service: Assurance / Gateway Reviews
Qi Consulting is a leading supplier of Review Team Leaders and Team Members to the Cabinet Office Major Projects Authority, with over 100 accredited individuals. We also provide RTLs and RTMs to the devolved governments of Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland as well as central government department such as Health, Transport and the MOD. Some of our consultants have been directly involved in the development of the original OGC Gateway™ Review workbooks and best practice guidance.
Our consultants have been involved in hundreds of high risk, high value and complex Assurance/Gateway™ Reviews, Project Assessment Reviews and Starting Gate Reviews, addressing such things as:
- are the best available skills and experience being deployed on the project?
- do all the stakeholders covered by the project fully understand the project status and the issues involved?
- can the project progress to the next stage of development or implementation?
- are the time and cost targets for projects realistically achievable?
- improvement of knowledge and skills among government staff through participation in review teams;
- provision of advice and guidance to project teams by fellow practitioners.
Other Project Assurance Services and Support
In addition to undertaking Gateway™ Reviews, Qi Consulting also commonly provides other project assurance and support services including:
- Peer Group Reviews – support to medium risk projects or those high risk or mission critical projects that do not merit a full Gateway™ Review.
- Self-Assessment Reviews – for low risk projects
- Project Health Checks – ad hoc reviews of projects, sometimes used as a precursor to a formal Gateway™ Review.
- ICT Technical Assurance - provides specific technical assurance as ICT projects progress through their lifecycle.
- Facilitated Workshops – enabling specific issues to be aired and addressed so that the project can move forward on a more sound footing.
- Mentoring Services – one to one support to Project Managers and Senior Responsible Owners.
- Best Practice – advice on project / programme best practice drawn from other areas of public and private sectors
We can also provide Senior Advisors who have the experience and expertise to work at senior management level in providing advice on procurement, programme and project management, strategy and business development and undertake follow-up action from a review.
Our Gateway™ Review consultants are drawn from the following sectors, most at senior level:
- Central Civil Government
- Devolved Governments
- Criminal Justice
- Police
- Fire services
- Defence
- Security
- Education
- Transport
- Local Government
- Health
- Utilities
- Nuclear industry
- Manufacturing
- Financial services